Saturday, July 24, 2010


I was blessed with this powerful realization today, and wanted to share it with you...

With this powerful realization I can now tell you if you're on the right path to success within a matter of seconds.

I can show you how to get better right now.

And you can too.

Let's call it the "Feel Good" Factor.

What's more, you can use this as an invaluable tool for everyday life.

In your mind... create a 1-10 scale. See it?

Let me help...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

This is a mental tool.

The factor comes in when you associate each number with a feeling.

Of all the emotions you have, they can be summed up into two distinct and separate feelings. Good and bad.

A 1-5 feeling is considered "Bad."
A 6-10 feeling is "Good."
In reality there is no good and bad only what we perceive to be Good or Bad.

At any given moment in your day, rate yourself. You can also ask your friend or partner to rate you for fun. Ask: "How do I feel?"

If you're feeling around 1-5 on the "Feel Good" Factor, you can rest assured you are not on the path to success, riches, fame, fortune...or whatever you desire.

But when you rate 6-10 or even higher, this tells you that you are in perfect
alignment and on the exact path of getting what you want. Every time. No exceptions.

So if you ever wonder when your ship will come sailing in... now you know.

Just ask how you feel. Use this tool every day in your life to make better decisions based on how you feel about any particular situation.

Try it now. Go ahead!

How you feel determines what you get. Remember that.

If you feel "bad" about not being able to provide for your family, guess what you get?

If you feel "bad" about your health, you get more "bad" health. But what happens...

...just be open to the possibility for a moment...

...what if you feel "GOOD" about your health?

Does your health get better?

What if you feel "GOOD" about your money?

Do you get more money?

But then what if you're feeling good about your money or health and a stray thought gets loose that carries with it a feeling, emotion or memory you consider "bad?"

What happens then?

Do you kill your intent?

But what if you feel "GOOD" (6-10) all the time?

Does your LIFE get better?

People on a mass scale want better health, more money and a better life.

When you get this realization, you get the answer. You get the solution.

And it works every time. No exceptions.

Want to prove me wrong? You're operating at a 1-5.

It's all in the mind. It really is. YOUR SUCCESS AWAITS IN YOUR MIND.

All you need to do is go in and flip the switch.

I'm 25 and I am blessed to reside in the top 3% of online income earners in the nation. How did I make it this far so quick?

I FIipped The Switch.

And now I understand my Emotional Guidance System.

When I'm feeling down, depressed, angry, sad, frustrated, envious, jealous or any
of those "bad" feelings, I know for a fact I'm not going to get what I want.

But I realize it's because of my feeling - not because of any external circumstance.

The FEELING must come first!

STOP: Read that again and again.

When I begin to literally raise my vibrational energy level I feel better instantly.

Raise your vibration by generating an overpowering "tone" in your mind that drowns
out all negative thinking.

This Tone Is Generated When You Choose To Feel Gratitude And Become Grateful.

That's how you do it! And yes it is that simple.

So anytime you're feeling 1-5 simply think of the things you're grateful for and FEEL the gratitude associated with those thoughts of which you are grateful.

Don't knock it until you've tried it.

This works. It is the Universal Law and it works every time. No exceptions.

When you feel "bad" now you can CHOOSE to feel good and get exactly what you want. Call this A TIP OF MANISFESTATION.

But remember the mental tool because it carries strong associations for you now.

To make this crystal clear...

Any time in your day rate yourself, and in any given situation.

Your level of the "Feel Good" Factor determines what you get in life.

Five and below - you're off track. Six and above - you're right on the money!

To increase your result, raise your number and improve how you feel instantly...

Simply FEEL THANKFUL without restriction.

Unconditional Thanks Generates The Frequency required to Raise your Energy and Manifest exactly what you want.

And now you know how it works. Go and watch it work for you.

I'll leave you now with one final thought...

"Where you are now is never where you've been, unless you choose it to be."


Enjoy life,


PS. This article is brought to you by Jason Mangrum.

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