Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Whatever Dreams you're Dreaming,

May each one of them come true.

Whatever plans you're making,

May they all work out for you.

And may you have more Happiness

Than any words can tell.

Not only on this day,

But all the year as well.

May you have a little sunlight to guide you on your way.

May you discover, little by little, Happiness that's here to stay.

May you grow a little stronger and a little wiser with each dawn

May you have a little time to believe in dreams to dream upon

May all the joy your heart desires find its way to you.

And may the blessings that brighten up your days keep on shining through.

"The Most Pleasant Things In The World Are Pleasant Thoughts".




Like Produces Like.

Like causes attract like effects।

Similar desires attract similar benefits.

Always give others what you want for yourself, whether it is time, love, energy, money, comfort, grace, or forgiveness.

You hear thess truth in so many sayings -

True Wisdom.

What goes around, comes around.

As you give, so shall you receive.

With what measure you mete, so shall it be measured back to you again.

As you judge, so shall you be judged.

Whatever you send out in the world is what shall return unto you again.


Herbert Gordon

P.S. What you give of yourself to others, you truly are giving to yourself, because we are all one.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Ideal Outcomes:

My higher self is showing me the best action to take.

I now invite my higher self to manifest beauty in my life.

I use the power of my thoughts to create positive outcomes.

I move forward in life knowing that I am divinely guided.

I am whole and perfect just the way I am.

I love and accept myself just the way I am.

It is okay to be me.

I now accept abundance as my birth right.

The more I let go the easier life becomes.

It is okay to me, I am pure love.

Inner Peace:

* The Love of God is flowing through me now.

*I am a radiant being filled with light and love.

*I give love this day to everyone I meet.

* I am pure love.

* I rest in the sacred place within, which is my soul

* I am open to receive an abundance of peace this day.

* The light of God is within me now.

* I am now sending love and compassion out to the world.

* I am centered and calm at all times.

* Life is good.

Positive Self-Image:

* I now see myself performing at my optimum level.

* I am unstoppable.

* I now visualize myself being highly successful.

* I now know that what I envisage, will manifest in my life.

* I now see myself as a winner in my area of interest.

* I envisage only that which I wish to have come true.

* I project confidence in everything I do.

* I have faith that my unconscious will bring about that which I visualize.

So how are you feeling right now? Happy, joy, frustrated, overwhelm? Check with the following emotional scale to see where you locate yourself.

Most people don't move around very much, maybe within arange of between 2 or 3 levels. So just get a rough idea of where are now.

The Emotion Scale:

Joy| Knowledge| Freedom/Love| Appreciate| Passion| Enthusiasm| Eagerness|
Happiness| Positive Expectation| Belief| Optimism| Hopefulness|Contentment|
Boredom| Pessimism| Frustration| Irritation| Impatience| Overwhelming| Disappointment| Doubt| Worry| Blame| Discouragement| Anger| Revenge| Hatred|
Rage| Jealousy| Insecurity| Guilt| Unworthiness| Fear| Depression| Despair| Powerless


Okay let start.

Let's see if we can get you to a better feeling place. I want you to experience just how easy you can affect your emotions. (Feelings/Vibrations)

I want you to watch a short video:


Boy, I can't watch that one without tearing up. Okay, let's try another:


I love her comment about always being encouraged to pursue a goal.

And, remember this song from South Pacific?


Did you notice a significant difference in your vibrations? That's the vibration you must maintain. You must monitor your thoughts. When your not feeling the right vibrations it's all due to what your thinking. If the feeling isn't right then you and only you have the control to chane it by changing your thoughts. Find something else to focus on and think about.


It's is that simple but it takes practice.

Take control of your thoughts. It's your power and if your not controling your power then every circumstance, situation and issue in life will.

Now let's try one more.


Decide that your going to be feel good vibrations regardless of the situations, circumstances or what anybody else says.

Love You.

Herbert Gordon,

Being Happy is a Decision

Being Happy is a Decision:

11 Ways to Change Your Life NOW! - By Larry Crane

Almost everyone has heard the hit single "Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message ofbeing happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferrin's simple message surely made alot of people focus on happiness by simply telling them not to worryor fear, and just BE happy.Living a happy, resilient, and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health.

Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress (anxiety and fear) is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke. It is also what is keeping you from having total abundance on every level.

One of the better things ever said is

"The only thing in life that doesn't change is change," and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in a nunbearable situation, we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too invariably must and will change.

Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different.

The key is accepting people for who or what they are, avoiding clashes and constant arguments, and LETTING GO of all of your resentments, fears, and negative habits that are holding you back.

To be happy is relatively easy; it begins with a decision. Simply decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really; choose to be happy.

There are several ways by which you can do this:

11. Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner, and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mail, thank the police officer for making your place safe, and thank God for being alive. What ever you can find to be grateful for, find it.

10. News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it -- 99%of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad, fearful news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do, does it?

9. A religious or spiritual connection is also recommended. Being part of a spiritual or religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers, and meditations foster inner peace.

8. Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do, and prioritizing.

These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine-tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.

7. Laugh and laugh heartily every day. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say, "Laughter is the best medicine."

6. Express your feelings, affections, friendship, and passion in healthy ways to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Let go of pent-up anger and frustrations, as this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.

5. Working smart instead of hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives us a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us; they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel are worthy of your time. And don'tf orget to celebrate them once they are completed!

4. Learning is a joyful experience, Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons...and could also give us more opportunities in the future.

3. Physical exercise. Run, jog, walk, and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.

2. Positive attracts positive. Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins, and hazardous places.

And the Number One Way to be Happy:

1. LET GO, LET GO, LET GO! Letting go of the layers and layers of negative emotions, feelings, and habits is the number one critical key to being happy all the time. There is no way around this. Fortunately, thereis a simple, all-natural way to do just that, quicker than you ever dreamed. It's called the Abundance Course, and you can find out more at the link below. These are the few simple things you can do every day to be happy. And always remember Abraham Lincoln's wise words: "Most people area bout as happy as they make up their minds to be." Decide to let go and be happy all the time right now. You can do it!

About the Author:

Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained business people, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, salespeople, managers, and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress, and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives. Discover for yourself your own ticket to happiness and freedom:


Love You.

Herbert Gordon,
How to Attract the Relationships You Want
By Lori Radun

There has been a time in my life when relationships were a source of great discontentment in my life. I worked around negative people. I didn't have a lot of the kinds of friends I wanted. I was in a marriage that was lonely and filled with conflict. Although today all my relationships are not perfect, I feel blessed with the quality of people in my life. Much has changed and I've learned a lot about how to attract the relationships I want in life.

When you think about relationships, our lives are filled with so many. You may have a spouse whom you share your life with. You probably have children who you interact with on a regular basis. No doubt you have a few friends or maybe many friends. You might be a daughter to a mom and dad, a niece to an aunt or uncle, or a sister to one or more siblings.

It's possible that you work or volunteer with people everyday. Are your relationships everything you want them to be? Do they nurture you and fill you up or do they drain your energy, leaving you feeling depleted? If you're like most people, you probably have relationships that do a little of both.

Relationships are essential to our survival and well being. God did not create us to go through life alone. Our relationships teach us more about who we are and who we are not.

They highlight what we want in life and what we don't want. Relationships challenge us to grow in ways we might not grow on our own. When you think about your own relationships, I want to encourage you to look at ways you might attract more of what you want from your relationships.

Know What You Want

Do you know exactly what you want in a relationship? Is it the same for every kind of relationship you have? Make a list of the criteria you have for a positive or healthy relationship. Your list might look something like this:

The parties must treat each other with respect

There needs to be an acceptance and appreciation of each other's differences

Each person should know how to resolve issues without fighting or arguing

The relationships should provide an emotional connection

We should work together in a way that is fair for all parties involved

We should support and encourage one another

There needs to be openness and honesty with thoughts and feelings

We need to be able to laugh and have fun together. Now you can look at each of your relationships and decide if it meets your requirements. If not, you have a starting point for creating what you want. All of us, at any time, have five choices regarding our relationships.

We can accept the relationship the way it is and be happy.

We can remain a victim to the relationship.

We can change the relationship.

We can change our perspective of the relationship.

We can leave the relationship.

Change Your Beliefs about What You Deserve

If you want the best relationships have to offer, you have to believe you deserve the best. Otherwise, you will settle for less than the best. At your core, what do you believe about relationships and people? Some limiting beliefs might be:

All marriage partners fight.

Most people in corporate America are negative.

You have to be careful about who you trust.

Most people are in a relationship for themselves.

There are no good guys or good gals left - they're all married.

Whatever you believe, you will attract.

So start believing what you want is truly possible.

Be Who Your Ideal Is

In my workshops, I tell women that if they want to attract inspiring friends, they must be an inspiring friend. We are energetic human beings, and like energy attracts like energy.

The other day a woman shared a story about lunchtime at her place of business. All the co-workers would sit around in the lunchroom eating their lunches. One person would start to complain about the company or her job, and then the next person would chime in. Before you know it, a gripe session had begun. This woman told me that she found herself not being who she wanted to be, and instead joining the negativity with the rest of the crowd.

Go back to your criteria for a positive and healthy relationship, and be all of those characteristics in your relationships. You will be a leader and force of change in your own life.

Stop the Ugly Dance

In the most intimate relationships, we often engage in the ugly dance. Our partner, or someone we're very close to, will say something that triggers us.

From our subconscious mind, we react, and the dance begins. This happened to me the other day when I was talking to my mom. She said to me, "This year I am not going to go all out for Christmas because my kids don't appreciate it."

There was the bait. In the past, this fish (me) would have taken a bite of that bait, but not this time. I stopped what could have been an ugly dance.

I refrained from defending myself and telling her that she was wrong. I let my mom have her feelings while I just listened and politely changed the subject. Every person that comes into a relationship, including ourselves, has some emotional baggage we carry with us. Drop the luggage and stop the ugly dance.

Create a Sacred Space

Michael Port, renowned business coach and author of "Book Yourself Solid," talks about having a red velvet rope policy in your business. I like to use that policy in my life.

Imagine you are entering a high quality event like an opera or The Grammy Awards ceremony. You walk up to the attendant and hand him your high priced ticket and he opens the red velvet rope to let you through.

Pretend your life is that high quality event and you get to decide who enters that sacred space. One of my friends is a very inspiring person. A lot of people want to enter her sacred space, but only a few get past the red velvet rope. Is it because she is mean? No, it is because she understands the importance of protecting her energy and keeping her life positive. Who gets to enter your sacred space?

Positive and high energy relationships will add more to your life than you can imagine. So start today and attract exactly what you want from your relationships. Your life will be forever blessed with peace, happiness and fulfillment.

To Your Abundant Success.
Love You.

Herbert Gordon,

Copyright © 2008 Lori Radun, CECLori Radun, CEC is a certified life coach for moms. To receive her newsletter, other coaching products, and the special report, "155 Things Moms Can do To Raise Great Children," go to True2You Life Coaching.