Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Ideal Outcomes:

My higher self is showing me the best action to take.

I now invite my higher self to manifest beauty in my life.

I use the power of my thoughts to create positive outcomes.

I move forward in life knowing that I am divinely guided.

I am whole and perfect just the way I am.

I love and accept myself just the way I am.

It is okay to be me.

I now accept abundance as my birth right.

The more I let go the easier life becomes.

It is okay to me, I am pure love.

Inner Peace:

* The Love of God is flowing through me now.

*I am a radiant being filled with light and love.

*I give love this day to everyone I meet.

* I am pure love.

* I rest in the sacred place within, which is my soul

* I am open to receive an abundance of peace this day.

* The light of God is within me now.

* I am now sending love and compassion out to the world.

* I am centered and calm at all times.

* Life is good.

Positive Self-Image:

* I now see myself performing at my optimum level.

* I am unstoppable.

* I now visualize myself being highly successful.

* I now know that what I envisage, will manifest in my life.

* I now see myself as a winner in my area of interest.

* I envisage only that which I wish to have come true.

* I project confidence in everything I do.

* I have faith that my unconscious will bring about that which I visualize.

So how are you feeling right now? Happy, joy, frustrated, overwhelm? Check with the following emotional scale to see where you locate yourself.

Most people don't move around very much, maybe within arange of between 2 or 3 levels. So just get a rough idea of where are now.

The Emotion Scale:

Joy| Knowledge| Freedom/Love| Appreciate| Passion| Enthusiasm| Eagerness|
Happiness| Positive Expectation| Belief| Optimism| Hopefulness|Contentment|
Boredom| Pessimism| Frustration| Irritation| Impatience| Overwhelming| Disappointment| Doubt| Worry| Blame| Discouragement| Anger| Revenge| Hatred|
Rage| Jealousy| Insecurity| Guilt| Unworthiness| Fear| Depression| Despair| Powerless


Okay let start.

Let's see if we can get you to a better feeling place. I want you to experience just how easy you can affect your emotions. (Feelings/Vibrations)

I want you to watch a short video:


Boy, I can't watch that one without tearing up. Okay, let's try another:


I love her comment about always being encouraged to pursue a goal.

And, remember this song from South Pacific?


Did you notice a significant difference in your vibrations? That's the vibration you must maintain. You must monitor your thoughts. When your not feeling the right vibrations it's all due to what your thinking. If the feeling isn't right then you and only you have the control to chane it by changing your thoughts. Find something else to focus on and think about.


It's is that simple but it takes practice.

Take control of your thoughts. It's your power and if your not controling your power then every circumstance, situation and issue in life will.

Now let's try one more.


Decide that your going to be feel good vibrations regardless of the situations, circumstances or what anybody else says.

Love You.

Herbert Gordon,

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