Plain and simple - if you can Imagine it - you can Experience it.
Now let us look not at "things" but of what humans call "Events".
"Events" are Experiences that arrive in our sphere of Conscious Awareness that we were not necessarily expecting.
Humans have a profound tendency to label events - indeed experiences generally - as, for example "good" or "bad" - another example of human duality.
Let me first say therefore that "events" are neither "good" or "bad" - they simply "Are".
So let us now then qualify this statement further.
A Temporal "event" is simply the moment at which a specific "event" comprising a "mixture" of components that characterize the "event" are Observed.
But no such Temporal Event can "manifest" in isolation.
In accordance with the Principle of Cause and Effect, every "event" ultimately originates at Source, continues as an infinite chain of causes and effects, a moment of which is observe within our sphere of consciousness as a Temporal Event" before continuing on to Infinity.
This "progression of events" may "travel" through the spheres of consciousness of countless other Beings existing on the same or different levels of Vibration, each Moment of which may be observed in isolation as a Local Temporal "event".
But it is impossible for an "event" to "happen" in isolation.
All "events" originate from Source, First Cause as a continuous stream of "events" - related "Causes" with corresponding "Effects" which continue on to infinity. There is therefore random about these events, they never "happen" in isolation, and never by "chance", "luck", "fortune" or other superstition.
This is why it is erroneous to speak in terms of dualities such as "good" and "bad".
To the extent that each temporal event belongs to this Infinite of events - Causes and Effects - humans Experiencing a single temporal event say it is "good", "bad" or "neutral" in accordance with their own personal perspective as the observer of the event.
Ultimately however every chain of events originates from, and is an aspect of Source - Ultimate Perfection - therefore each element of the chain, the temporally observable events, must be inherently Perfect, regardless how the observer chooses to perceive the event.
It does not matter how "good" or "bad" an event is deemed to be, it still originates from Perfection, and is therefore inherently Perfect. If this were not the case the event could not exist at all.
So how may we summarize these questions of "reality" and "experience"?
Well to start with we must understand that the entire "Universe" in all spheres of Vibration, exists as an infinite expanse of "possibilities" that are infinitely fluid, and which respond to Mind at both an individual and collective level.
Nothing in the Universe is "fixed" and therefore nothing in the Universe is "real" in accordance with the human concept of "reality".
A "possibility" only becomes Experiential in the moment it is observed, "after" which it returns to be a transient possibility once more. Never at any time was it "real".
What each of you consider as your current "reality" simply represents a tiny subset of the Universe of possibilities that you have chosen to subscribe to and therefore make your current experience.
What people perceive as solid "matter" in isolation, is in reality a component of an infinitely fluid "quantum soup" in which every component is intimately related to all others.
When people observe a particular "experience" and believe it to be "real", then it is "real" only to the extent by which they believe it to be so, and while they continue that perception, "after" which that experience will dissipate back in to native Universal Energy.
When we examine the nature of what people perceive as "objects" closely enough, it quickly becomes apparent that what is being perceived is actually just a tiny fragment of a greater, interconnected environment, leading to the only possible conclusion that what humans call "matter" does not really exist. "Not only that,
"locality" does not exist, space does not exist, and time does not exist.
As humans - individual Energy fields - although we may experience "being in a particular place", we actually exist Everywhere, throughout All that Is concurrently. Sense of Being somewhere only differs in accordance with where in this Infinite "Allness" our Consciousness is focused in the Present Moment of Now.
Let us remind ourselves once again why and how is this so.
Well in our physical body we have a physical organic brain. The brain is constantly collecting countless sensory inputs every second through the mediation of the five physical senses.
The brain is constantly collating all of these sensory inputs and projecting through Individual Consciousness a "best case scenario" which the individual Ego Mind then accepts as their own individual Experience or "material reality".
What a person perceives as "reality" is therefore no more than the way the brain interprets the millions of tiny electrical impulses being received from the sensory inputs of the physical senses.
Each brain may place a different interpretation upon these same sensory inputs, so when one person describes a "car", another may be perceiving something completely different although both may agree, at a physical, temporal level, that it is still a "car".
Furthermore, and this is also crucial to your understanding - how your brain interprets these sensory inputs is determined by your own Conscious and in particular Subconscious beliefs and expectations and accordingly your personal Experience is also determined by these and other factors, including previous
experience gained during the physical existence.
So although the brain is creating a perceived picture of "reality" based upon your own perceptions, this does not mean what you are perceiving is "reality" in and of itself - only what your Mind perceives as your own personal "reality" through which you experience.
"All that Is" comprises an Infinite Field of Consciousness, Energy Experiencing Itself. Each of us are simply Energy Fields within the Greater Energy Field while still Being intimately connected to the Whole Energy Field.
This is why "death" is an illusion as much as "life" is an illusion.
There is no "life" or "death" there only "Is" in which "we" Are "All" participants at our individual level of Evolution.
But as discussed earlier - strip away the physical body, along with the physical senses and organic brain, leaving only Mind, which is Who we Are, the persistent illusion of material substance, locality and illusion of "time" immediately disappears so we can experience ourselves in our native state - Mind associated with our unique Energy field - the Spiritual I.
Most people however, believing these experiences to be "real", cling to them as if their life depended on it, thereby perpetuating and reinforcing that Experience, while blocking the infinite alternative experiences they may choose at Will.
This is particularly true of what people perceive to be "bad" experiences due to human nature.
People are also afraid to "hope" for something "good" or even "incredible", because of the programming of society with its "too good to be true" attitude towards life, which makes it much easier to believe in "bad" experiences than in "good" experiences.
As a sentient individuated Energy Field and Mind within the greater Universal Energy Field and Universal Mind, we all have the power to Experience anything we choose - indeed that is a fundamental aspect of our very Being.
As we experience individually, the Whole, the All benefits from that Experience and the Universe Expands.
I hope this has formed the basis of a greater understanding upon which you may free your Mind of all of the pre-conceived ideas as to the nature of your Experience, and thus be empowered to determine any Experience you choose through the fundamental Principle of Mind which is Infinite in its Power, restricted only by your own
Conscious and Subconscious restrictions that you have chosen to place upon yourself through previous experience, but may remove in an instant.
Remember - there is no other moment but Now, and it is in that Present Moment of Now that we may choose to Experience anything we can Imagine.
I hope you Experience well, All that you Choose.
In Love, Light and Truth,
How To Manifest A Miracle
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