So what is "material"?"Molecules and atoms" you reply.
What do "molecules" and "atoms" consist of?
If you know much about physics you might reply "sub-atomic particles". You may even mention protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, leptons and so on.
Indeed scientists are currently seeking the illusive
"God Particle" using the
"Hadron Collider" at Cern, when it finally becomes fully
But these scientists are chasing the proverbial
"Pot Of Gold" at the end of the rainbow.
Because none of these "sub-atomic particles" actually really exists unless an attempt is made to observe or even measure them.
Or to put it another way - if no attempt was made to observe measure, quantify or qualify these so called "particles", they would not exist at all.
They are chasing an illusion created by their own "ideas".If they want to find the
"God Particle" they will eventually find it - but it is still not "real" except to the scientists who will report it to the world as "real" - thus perpetuating the illusion.
So what is the point?
Good question. I suppose scientists are driven by the urge to discover new "things" - the meaning and benefit of these "things" is not something they generally concern themselves with too much.
But this is fine - they are following their passions in life, feeling fulfilled and presumably enjoying their experience - which is good.
Next we must begin to get to the core of this question about what is considered to be "reality" - on whichever scale it is observed.
Most people will accept that the building blocks of "material" are elementary atoms and molecules that form the composites of the material "things" that we know as "PC'", "chairs", "TV's", "cars", "homes" and so on.
And of course we, as our physical, organic body are also "things" constituted of these building blocks.
When you say "there is Joe" or "here comes Sue", you are simply applying a label that you can relate to an image composed by your brain and subscribed to by your Conscious Ego Mind based upon the sensory inputs your five sense organs provide.
It does not make the person "real", simply because
our true nature is Mind - not body.According to
Quantum Physics - an elementary atom - only exists as such when an attempt is made to measure it - i.e. quantify and
qualify it as we have previously noted.
If that same atom is not being observed and measured - even the act of observation constitutes "measurement" since the very act of observation is performed with view to "making sense of it".
If the atom is not being observed, then it simply dissipates back to its native state -
Pure Energy, Encompassing All That Is.In other words an atom is not a "rigid" structure - it is transient.
The fundamental influence over the transient nature and behavior of the atom is Mind.
It is Mind and Mind alone that makes the substantive observation that causes Energy to coalesce in the form of an observable, measurable, albeit transient elementary atomic particle.So what does this mean in practical terms?
Well clearly as all matter - all material "things" - are ultimately comprised of atomic particles - elementary atoms forming molecules - then the only conclusion we can arrive at is that
every "thing" we accept as "material" only exists because we subscribe, or "opt-in" to its very existence through the process of observation, which in turn generates sensory inputs fed to the brain, which then makes its "best guess" as to the nature of that which is being observed before reporting its findings back to the Conscious Mind which generally accepts the conclusion of the brain.
If the Mind does not accept the conclusion of the brain, then we regard it as an "illusion".
This applies at all levels of human experience from the personal to the collective.
I say this to pre-empt any objection that you know lots of things exist before you even physically see observe them for yourself.
This is true for the following reason.
Although people think of themselves as an "individual" Mind,
they are also an integral aspect of of the collective Human Mind, and therefore the collective Human Experience.Every material "thing" on Earth has its "existence" - to the extent to which it "exists" at all - within the
collective Human plane of Consciousness which has its Collective Being upon the Mental Plane of the Human Mind.
It is within these "Causal Spheres" of the Human Mind - every species of life has its own collective plane of Mind - that everything Humans subscribe to - believe in - materialise on Earth - in our case - as a Collective Experience.
Towns and cities are subsets of that collective experience, because thousands or millions of people subscribe to them, as well as interact, and therefore observe or "measure them every day.
The same applies in the Astral planes even more so. Everyone there still believes in the material form and function they were so used to on Earth, so when people "pass-on" they simply recreate an environment that they feel comfortable with.
This is why the "afterlife" looks and feels so similar to Earth life, so much so that very often people do not even believe they have "died" at all - as is with cases of sudden death - and need to be convinced by other residents that they are no longer on Earth.
Of course the "afterlife" seems much more "solid", "real" and "vibrant" than Earth, due to its much higher, finer vibration, with colors and sounds way beyond physical human comprehension due to the higher vibration, and absence of crude physical visual
apparatus and the organic brain.
But the "afterlife" is still a mass illusion subscribed to by billions of people from all "time-lines" relative to Earth, who do not yet know any better.
Eventually everyone realizes the illusion for what it truly is and can then transition to the inner spheres of Energy, beyond "form", where we do not even have a "body" - we experience ourselves in our natural, native state as "points" of Energy -
an Energy field within the great Energy field.So what does this tell us?
Quite simply it tells us that everything you previously thought of as "real" or
"material" or "fixed" really isn't - it is infinitely fluid.
This in turn means that
once you know how to control your Mind, you can control or Express any Experience of your choosing, providing it is within your sphere of imagination, understanding, belief and other factors.
There is graphical anecdotal evidence of this.
When the Spanish first approached what is now Central America, the natives were looking out over the sea and became confused when they could see large "bow waves" as if something was moving through and displacing large volumes of water.
This was caused of course by the large Spanish ships - but the natives could not see the ships at all - all they could see was a clear horizon over the water except for these large bow waves.
Why was this?
Well quite simply because the ships were outside of the sphere of imagination and experience of the natives. Because they had no point of reference as to what a "ship" is or looks like, the Mind of the natives - both personal and collective - could not compose an impression of what was out there from the sensory inputs of the
brain - beyond the bow waves - and accordingly they had no way of observing, measuring, qualifying, quantifying or conceptualizing the Spanish ships - they simply did not exist to these natives until much later when they "learned" about them.
So what does this mean.
Where the Spanish ships "real" or not?
Well the short answer is they were "real" to the Spanish sailors, but simply did not exist to the Natives who could not comprehend and therefore see them.
Who was correct then - the Spanish or the Natives?
They both were.
Any "thing" is "real" at the moment it is observed, but only to the observer or collective observers.What this anecdote does demonstrate is that
"matter" is subjective, not objective, and has no fundamental basis of existence.But again, with the benefit of this knowledge,
you can empower yourself by the ability to choose whatever experience you desire.All so called "psychic", "mystical" or "occult" "powers" are simply referred to as such because the participants fail to understand the true nature of the Universe and of their own latent, infinite Powers.
This is why we can do
"Telekinesis" if we choose.
Spoon bending is an excellent example. Those of you who have seen the first Matrix movie will have watched as Neo visited the "Oracle" for the first time. There he saw children levitating toy bricks in the air, and also a boy who was apparently "bending a spoon" with is Mind.
When Neo asked the boy how he bends the spoon, the boy replied "there is no spoon". "It is not the spoon that bends, it is you that bends".
And this is true. If you wish to bend that Energy Thought Form your brain interprets as a "spoon", and which your Conscious, Ego Mind subscribes to, simply know that there is no spoon, and that
you are really "bending" Energy, as a Thought Form, which is actually an aspect and extension of yourself - your own sphere of Consciousness.
Plain and simple -
if you can Imagine it - you can Experience it.Now let us look not at "things" but of what humans call "events".
To be continued.
In Love and Light,
You Have The Power To Experience Any Life You Choose, So Choose Wisely
Have you heard of COSMIC ORDERING? It's a POWERFUL method of placing an "order" with the Universe for ANYTHING you want.