Monday, May 25, 2009
What Is "Reality" - Part 2
So let us now begin the understanding leading to the fulfilment of our potential.
Look around you.
What do you see?
Your "PC", the "desk" upon which it rests, the "chair" upon which you are seated, the "walls" and "ceiling" for example.
Well I am here to suggest to you that none of these are "real".
In actual fact, in absolute terms, there is no PC, no "PC", desk, chair, walls, ceiling and so on, except to the extent you believe there is.
Why do you believe that the "PC", "desk", "chair", "walls", "ceiling" and everything else around you actually exists?
For one reason, and one reason only.
Because your five physical senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch tells your brain that these "things" exist, so they must be "real".
But the point is this.
These "things" would not be "real" if it were not for your physical body, without which there would be no sensory inputs and no brain.
Now we all know that We Are Not Our "Body" - We Are Mind. Mind is not the brain or the body, but rather the Mind controls the body, and therefore how the body interacts with its sphere of conscious awareness.
I understand that this is a very difficult reality to grasp for most people, so let us now take a closer look.
For most people, "reality" may be defined through their "physical" experience - in other words those "things" they can tangibly see, touch, smell, taste and hear.
In the case of science we can add to this list scientific instruments.
But is this "reality".
To help us to answer this question let us for a moment turn to the only branch of the sciences that is willing to grasp the true nature of "reality" - Quantum Physics including Quantum Mechanics.
But before we do this we must first take a look at the origins and "creation" of the "Universe" itself to even begin to understand the true nature of "matter" in the context of Quantum Mechanics.
Most scientists today still subscribe to the Newtonian view of a strictly 3 dimensional Universe of matter - height, length and width which taken together also provide depth, mass.
But this is actually erroneous because there is a fourth dimension - "time".
Time is inseparable from the three dimensions of "space".
The Physical Universe is actually therefore a function of what is known as "Space-Time".
Einstein demonstrated this in his "Special Theory of Relativity" which also takes in to account what we know as "mass", "velocity" and therefore "gravity".
But these are still simply physically experienced through the perspective and inherent limitations of a physical human body.
However - the Newtonian perspective of the Universe is entirely erroneous - and here is why.
The largely held belief of most astrophysicists and others involved with the question of the origins of the Universe is that "everything" in existence - physical existence that is - came in to being as a result of something they quaintly referred to as the "Big Bang Theory".
The "Big Bang Theory" is doomed from the start, simply because there was no "big bang".
The "Big Bang Theory" rests on the totally erroneous assumption that the Universe as science knows it, arose out of a primordial "event" that took place in the context of what they understand to be a 3 dimensional sphere of possibilities - 4 including "time".
To put it another way - scientists are seeking the origins of the "big bang" within the Newtonian Universe of matter.
Here is my news to those scientists - save your time - you will never find that origin. It does not exist within the physical, Universe.
Scientists cannot understand why - if there was a "Big Bang" originating from somewhere within what is now considered to be the physical Universe, the entire Universe is a similar ambient temperature.
Surely if the big bang originated within the physical Universe, temperatures would fluctuate in accordance with the distance from this "event"?
Well this is what really took place - even the words "took place" is erroneous, but there are no other words to apply so they will do for the purposes of this discussion.
To be continued...
Until next newsletter I wish you a most Joyous, Health and Abundant week.
In Love and Light,
You Have The Power To Experience
Any Life You Choose, So Choose Wisely
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