Monday, May 18, 2009

What Is "Reality" - Part 1

I receive countless emails from people all over the World who desperately wish to escape from their perceived "situation" and even more from those seeking to "manifest" their idea of a perfect "life".

There are millions around the World - probably tens of millions in fact - who have watched the movie "The Secret", but nevertheless cannot, no matter how hard they "try", replicate the results depicted in the movie.

Many others have heard of the "Law of Attraction" from the numerous and ever increasing books, websites, courses, seminars and other resources on the subject, following the success of The Secret.

Millions have seen the features about "The Secret" on the shows of Oprah, Larry King and other respected people who are to be thanked for bringing to humanity the glorious truth that we are never "victims of circumstance", but rather powerful Beings blessed with the latent ability to determine any Experience desired.

But yet still 99.99% of those who have thus become aware, have not been able to change their Experience even one iota, and in many, if not most cases have been left feeling frustrated and powerless.

There are many reasons for this which we will discuss this week.

However, crucially, the primary reason that people fail is simply because they do not know or understand the true nature of what we call the "Universe", and of their relationship with the Universe,and how this relates to Experience, instead believing themselves to be powerless "mere" humans, here only as an accident of nature or even by "chance".

The only way to become empowered to determine your own Experience, is to understand your own relationship with what is known as "Reality", and our individual role within that greater Reality.

Now this is a monumental undertaking by any standards, especially in the context of a few newsletters.

Further help is on the way.

My new service that I mention from time to time, is progressing, will be available to all, and will help you to achieve that crucial leap from academic and intellectual knowledge, to actual Experience.

But for now it will be helpful for you to begin to understand Who you really Are and of your relationship with All that Is.

This then we will discuss this week as concisely as possible, within the constraints of this single newsletter, but without missing our objectives completely.

First we must deal with the so called "Law of Attraction".

The Law of Attraction has been popularised by the movie "The Secret" and the high profile TV shows that followed - notably Oprah who I have tremendous respect for in her courage in bringing all these crucial matters to her viewers for all the right reasons.

But in the interests of moving forward I have to be honest and say that the "Law of Attraction" as presented, is not only pseudo science at best - it has also become a pseudo-religion.

Plain and simple there is no "attraction" for reasons we will discuss later, therefore there can be no "law" governing it.

But - I hear you say - there have been many apparent successes by people using these "methods".

Indeed there has - but not due to the "methods" themselves, but due to those people invoking forces they are not aware of, and which forces the Law of Attraction makes no mention of.

Many will have heard of the "miraculous" properties of the waters of the shrine at Lourdes - and there have been apparent "miracles".

But as with the Law of Attraction - for every "miracle" people focus on, thus perpetuating the myth, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions, who experience nothing at all, and go away feeling disillusioned and frustrated for all the same reasons.

True, consistent, reliable success can only be enjoyed from a single position -Empowerment born out of Knowledge.

That said - let us make a start.

First and foremost The "Universe" - All That Is - consists fundamentally of these three characteristics which are inseparable:

1. Mind

2. Energy

3. Vibration

The first question we must ask is probably also the biggest as well as the most difficult to answer because ultimately it is subjective, not objective.

So what then can we say about the nature of "reality".

Reality depends entirely upon the perspective of the observer, which in turn defines the Experience which the observers considers to be "reality". To the extent this personal Experience is "reality" it is simply therefore their "personal reality".

So what is really "real"?

If we can know the true nature of our physical experience, then we will be empowered to consciously determine the nature of that experience, and accordingly shape it to our individual wishes, needs and desires.

Now this is where things are going to get deeper and perhaps surprising or even shocking, yet we must never allow our emotions to dictate our understanding.

Humans on Earth are here to to begin the process of Evolution through physical experience - quite simply because it is so challenging, but nevertheless a necessary primary necessary step.

The Higher Self sends numerous aspects of Its Self to Earth or other planets as "messengers", each with its own "brief" to realise and return with a particular set of experiences that the Higher Self requires, until finally complete enough to "graduate".

Then and only then may the complete Higher Self assume the personality of the Master Incarnation and continue on to much greater roles in the grand scheme - far beyond the remotest comprehension of mortal humans on Earth. Yet this is the destiny of everyone without exception.

Where things "went wrong" thousands of years ago, and increasingly so ever since, is that humans have lost touch with their Higher Self, believing themselves to be helpless mortals, trapped in a physical body, in a "harsh", unforgiving, physical world, at the mercy of "circumstances" that unfold around them, but over which they have no control.

Humans have increasingly turned to material "things" for comfort and also religions to appease their "gods" in the hope of being favoured in some way to make their life, and afterlife easier

For millennia agents of the forces of darkness have taken advantage of this increasingly frail and powerless humankind, enslaving humans for their own dark, insidious purposes.

During the last 1700 years this has been achieved through one primary avenue - orthodox religion - in particular the religion invented by the Romans for this purpose - the Roman church - which controls their congregation by invoking fear and guilt.

In the last few centuries another mode of control has emerged - money supply. Everyone is experiencing one result of this ongoing manipulation, during this last year in particular.

So clearly it is crucial for humanity to free itself in order to achieve its full potential as a....

"Fully Empowered Divine Being" experiencing true Joy, Fulfilment, Perfect Health and Freedom.

Until next newsletter I wish you a most Joyous, Health and Abundant week.

In Love and Light,


You Have The Power To Experience
Any Life You Choose, So Choose Wisely

To be continued...

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