Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Working With Energy - Uriel Heals Article
We are surrounded by energy and if we could see it we would see countless particles of light. They would be in constant motion, moving towards us as we called them and then moving away to form whatever we called into being with our thoughts or words. 
The energy, like everything else in the Universe, has no judgment, so it doesn’t ask us if we want what we are asking for, it simply creates. It, unlike us, recognizes our power and it merely responds to whatever we create. 
It is also not aware of whether we are creating consciously, where we are asking for exactly what we want, or unconsciously, where we are creating from habit. It merely responds to our thoughts by manifesting whatever form they take.
Working with energy is how we use our power to create our reality. We do it every day, whether we are aware of it or not. From the kindness someone shows us to the traffic ticket we receive, from the people we attract to our financial status, everything that happens in our life is a result of what we direct the energy to do. 
When we are not aware of this power, we can use the energy in a very irresponsible and misdirected way, creating many things that we don’t want. We do that for several reasons: we don’t understand our power, we don’t know how to work with the energy, we don’t know how the energy works or we live in the past.
The world of today is very complex and can make us feel very powerless if we are not one of the powerful, wealthy or beautiful people that we see in the news every day. We wonder if they are more blessed than we are because they have so much and their lives seem so much better than ours. By not believing that we deserve to have as much as anyone else we are using the energy to keep what we want away from us. 
One of our life lessons is to manifest what we want, regardless of what others have.
We are the first generation to be introduced to our power and to have the knowledge of working with the universal energy. It’s no wonder that we are not aware of how to use it, since there have been few teachers until now. And we must overcome many lifetimes of believing that we are powerless, our lives are out of our control, our destiny is pre-determined and that luck is something that happens to other people. 
Once we accept that we have power and learn how to use it, we can use the energy around us wisely, creating what is best and right for us.
Since we have had few teachers to show us how to use the energy, we do not understand how it works and this is how we get ourselves into trouble. The energy is completely non-discriminating and non-judgmental, meaning it has not opinions, thoughts or feelings about how we use it. 
We can use it to create wealth or poverty, loving or disastrous relationships, joy or sorrow. It does not ask ‘why’ or whether this is what we want, it merely responds to our thoughts, words and beliefs. 
Once we understand that every thought we have is powerful and important, we can learn to work with and manage the energy so that our thoughts are focused solely on creating what we want.
Another way we create what we don’t want in our lives is by living in the past. We do this when we focus on what went wrong or how we were treated or how things did not work at some time in the past. This may have been true then, but we are always given opportunities to try again and each new day is a unique opportunity for us to create a joyful, peaceful and abundant life. 
We use these opportunities wisely when we realize that things can be different if we ignore past results and focus on creating something different. We use them unwisely when we give up before we even start because we’re afraid of repeating the past.
The energy around us is there for us to use and it waits for us to call it to action. It does not question our intentions as it responds to our thoughts, beliefs and words. When we are aware that every thought has equal power we know that it is up to us to use this power wisely. Whether we do or not, we will receive many opportunities to try again until we are learn to use our power to consciously create what we want.   
We can do this through easy or difficult lessons, by using the energy to create peace, joy and abundance or the opposite. And when we live in the present moment we remember that our life unfolds before us and not behind us and use our power to create the present from a point of possibility instead of from the past.
About the author: Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, menter, teacher and author. Article Copyright 2007 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reseved.
I Love You All.
Herbert Gordon,

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