Tuesday, January 12, 2010
What Is "Reality" - Part 5
In reality there is no "time" - there is no "space" there is only The Present Moment of Now - which is Eternal. Within the Supreme
Mind of Source, All That Is exists simply as an "Idea" - each of us exists as an "Idea" or "Thought Form" within the Sphere of Activity of Universal Mind.
Humans seek to create objective time by making "clocks" and other time measurement devices, arbitrarily based upon the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
"Time" however is entirely subjective. A pleasant experience can pass all too "quickly" whereas an unpleasant experience seems to "drag on" forever. The human obsession with time is imposing considerable limitations upon human potential.
But here is the point we are reaching at this stage of the discussion.
Once we understand and accept the fact that what we "Experience" is not "fixed" but rather "fluid" in accordance with the nature of our thoughts and is independent of "time", then we are free to use the infinite power of Mind to generate any Experience we desire - but it is still not "reality", because it is a personal experience, not an absolute experience common to All.
Of course due to the fact that the human sphere of activity is focused within the material, physical time oriented environment, the low Vibration and other factors associated with space-time implies that in order to influence our Experience, we must apply a considerable and single pointed "presence of Mind" driven by the appropriate states of Mind which we will discuss later.
Anyone with that ability, and it is latent in everyone, can "change" their Experience at will to literally anything they can Imagine, just as if they were Experiencing the higher Astral Projection, death, near-death Experience.
All Experiential Limitations Are Self-Imposed - Always.
This is why I have previously brought to you the "Principle of Expression" which provides you with the keys through which you are Empowered to unlock any Experience of your choosing.
My forthcoming new Service will help you to achieve that Empowerment.
Moving on...
What humans conceive as "Life" is actually an illusion - a Dream.
An excellent metaphor in fact is the "Matrix" as depicted in the movies of he same name.
The main difference is that your Matrix instead of being projected by a super-computer as in the movies, is actually a projection of Source, First Cause - other than that they are remarkably similar.
When Neo was rescued from the Matrix and shown its true nature, he was then able to consciously "plug-in" to the Matrix at will, interact with it, and change it according to his situation.
Consider the material world as the Matrix and yourself as a Neo, and you have an excellent metaphor as a basis for your Experience.
All you must do is free yourself from the illusion, the dream that you are currently permanently plugged into, and Empower yourself to consciously plug yourself in to any circumstance you wish to Experience.
Understanding and accepting what we have discussed so far is crucial to your Empowerment, so let us now take the discussion one step further by looking at "reality" from the perspective of Quantum Mechanics.
Everything you see around you - your PC, desk, chairs, drink, food - everything - you probably currently consider to be made of "material" of some kind.
What is "material"?
To Be Continued...
What Is "Reality - Part 4
"What Is "Reality" - Part 4
"Experience" is only as "real" as the Conscious Mind, the Ego Mind, the Luciferian Mind operating through the mediation of the five physical senses feeding sensory input to the organic brain leads you, as your Ego Mind chooses to believe it is.
We can easily show that this experience is not "real" through "death" or metaphysical procedures such as Astral Projection.
I mention Astral Projection only because it is not practical to "die" purely for the purposes of gaining this perspective, because obviously once "dead" we cannot normally return to the lifeless physical body in order to document and assimilate the experience thus gained.
Astral Projection is the one of the best "tools" we have therefore for this purpose.
Actually, in the interests of completion there is another - the "Near Death Experience" - but this is not something that can be planned or controlled - at least not safely.
Astral Projection is not a projection of a "body" - erroneously known as the Astral Body - because that concept would ensnare us in the trap of duality which is in and of itself erroneous.
What we know as the mystical experience of Astral Projection is in fact an expansion of consciousness to encompass a much wider sphere of Energy and therefore Vibration than is normally the case during waking consciousness.
Actually everyone without exception undergoes this every night during sleep, but they are simply not conscious of it - the Mind during sleep is generally in an "unconscious" state. The phenomena known as "rapid eye movement, "REM", is the moment this expansion of consciousness takes place.
Recalled vivid dreams however are often residual memories of these Astral Experiences.
With Astral Projection we take control over this natural process by retaining fully conscious awareness of the sleep process and thereby experiencing the event. Everyone has this latent capability.
With experience we may consciously choose to "project" whenever we choose, without having to rely on the natural sleep process.
But anyway - any of these experiences - "death", "near death" or "Astral Projection" will serve to illustrate the crucial factor that we must first establish in the interests of our understanding of the greater "picture".
Quite simply this is why:
If we locate ourselves in a physical environment, our bedroom, living room - any room - note what we perceive to be "real", and then we remove our physical body from the experience, we immediately see that what we previously believed to be "real" is
not real at all.
We can make these observations because Mind and Spirit, our unique Energy Field, like all Energy is indestructible - it is Eternal.
Only the physical body of matter - to the extent it exists - more about that later - is temporary and transient.
When we "die", experience "near death" or consciously "Astral Project", we immediately notice that we are the same person as before - same character, same thoughts, same memories, same beliefs, same everything - but no longer within the context of a physical body.
The next thing we notice is that our environment initially looks almost the same as the one we were located in before this event, but the moment we "think" something, our environment instantly changes in accordance with the nature of the thought.
If we think about experiencing an particular object, it instantly appears and remains until we think about something else.
We notice very quickly that now our Experience is extremely fluid.
We still possess what we perceive as a "body", which seems even more "real" and solid" than the one made of matter we just left behind.
The next thing we notice is that we are no longer subject to "gravity".
If you believe "gravity" exists then you will remain rooted to what you perceive as the "floor", but if you accept that there is no "gravity" then you can float in the air - even fly at the speed of thought, to "anywhere" within your sphere of imagination.
Now this is the first crucial point of understanding our true relationship with our environment and therefore what we perceive as "reality".
There are only one set of Universal Principles that regulate every sphere of Creation from the very highest Vibration of Source to the lowest of Energy Vibration of matter. Remember the metaphor of the apple.
So now we have verification that what we suspected is true.
What people perceive as "reality" is a trick of the organic brain which the Conscious, Ego Mind, in the absence of any competing evidence, subscribes to and accepts as fact - or "reality". In fact it is no more than an illusion, or a dream that humans become completely absorbed by.
Another consideration is the role of "time".
To Be Continued....
What Is "Reality" - Part 3
What Is "Reality" - Part 3
What humans know as the "Universe" originated within - with Source, First Cause - the Incomprehensible Intelligence existing at the very center of All that Is, as Energy at the very highest vibration.
We cannot even talk in terms "in the beginning", because in truth there was no "beginning, and there is no "end", but again, in the interests of grasping these processes, we still need to use the crude language available to us.
So "In the Beginning" This Supreme, Incomprehensible Intelligence "Decided" - and again "decided" is the only word we can use in this context - to bring in to Being a much greater sphere of Existence, in order to Subjectively Experience and thereby Expand. Again - no one knows or can know the "reasons" for this - Source does not need a "reason" and does not "think" in those human like terms anyway.
In the "Beginning" or Moment of Creation, from Source emerged an immensely powerful "event" that caused Energy to radiate out in all directions as what humans would conceive of as a "sphere".
As this uniform radiation of Energy continued to radiate "outwards", the Vibration of this Energy progressively slowed, and as it did so became more "coarse" and "dense", until eventually the Vibration of this Energy slowed enough to allow it to differentiate in to what humans know as "matter" - and thus the Newtonian 3D/4D Universe was born.
So you see the "creation" event did not originate at a point, in the observable physical Universe, and subsequently radiate "across" an already existent 3D void, it rather originated within much higher levels of Vibration, radiating outwards until Energy differentiated into the 3 dimensional environment known as the Universe which came in to Being uniformly in the same moment of Now.
And this is why the entire 3D Universe is the same temperature. It came in to Being uniformly giving rise to a uniform "temperature".
In describing the nature of the Universe I often use the humble Apple as a metaphor.
If an Apple represents the entire Universe - All that Is - then Source, First Cause exists at the Core of the Apple, the Seed - the highest Vibration, and the physical Newtonian Universe is represented by the outer skin of the Apple where Energy slowed to the point where it achieved the potential differentiate in to what humans perceive as "matter".
Actually it is not really "matter" as we will soon see. It is rather a very specific environment or Energy state.
Between the skin of the Apple and the Core we have the flesh of the Apple which represents the spheres of Vibration in between the skin and the core. Most scientists deny the existence of these higher levels of Energy and Vibration, simply because it can neither be measured, substantiated or quantified by their physical instruments - which is not surprising.
The Apple then also represents all levels of vibration and therefore spheres of what we may consider to be a model of All that Is.
Just under the skin of the Apple lies the Etheric plane of Energy, and just beyond that lies the Astral plane of Energy. It is this Astral Plane of Energy that humans transition to after leaving the physical body during the change known as "death".
Without getting too deeply involved and beyond the scope of this discussion, suffice it to say that it is the destiny of all of us to start at the skin of the Apple, and Evolve through the flesh of the Apple - Energy at increasing rates of Vibration - until we once again reach the Core from Whence we came in the "beginning".
This process also represents the solution to the mystery of "Alchemy", "transmutation" and the "Philosophers Stone" - but we must leave Alchemy for another day.
This process takes place as Experience gives rise to increasing levels of perfection, in turn giving rise to an increase in the Vibration of our Unique Energy Field that represents who we Are.
As our Energy Field increases in Vibration, we automatically Transition to the sphere of the Universe with the corresponding rate of Vibration - this is the true nature of Spiritual Evolution.
Earth - indeed the entire physical Universe is the Kindergarten of All that Is. The Astral Planes are an extension of that Kindergarten.
Every Unique Energy Field - Human - must graduate from Kindergarten before moving on to the greater glories of All that is at the higher Vibrations - only then does the journey "proper" really begin, to Spheres that are glorious beyond the comprehension of most
Earthly humans.
This is also the solution to the metaphor of the "Fallen Angel" known as "Lucifer".
Lucifer is a metaphor for the human Ego Mind - Every human is actually represented by Lucifer having left or "fell from" Source, Christ Mind" to a material reality. The mission of every Human as a Luciferian Mind is to reunite once again with Christ Mind and thus the cycle would be complete - or would be if it were not for the fact that this process is Eternal - without beginning or end.
But this was no "punishment" - quite the contrary in fact - it is Divine process, and we should feel Joy accordingly. Only religion has misunderstood these truths so completely as to erroneously turn Lucifer into something "evil" thereby implying all humans are "evil" and Earth is "hell". Of course to many it seems that way.
So here we are then for now - humans on Earth experiencing our sphere of conscious awareness through the five physical senses.
But then is this "reality".
What humans regard as "reality", as mentioned before, is that aspect of the entire sphere of conscious awareness that is experienced at any moment through the mediation of the five physical senses sending millions of sensory inputs per second to the organic brain, thus compiling an Experience.
But what is Experience?
To Be Continued.....
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